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waste balers

Product Description




The Solid Waste Baler is designed to meet the needs of the user, which vary depending on the size and type of material they wish to compact and transport. However, the basic design of a waste baler consists of three main components: the container, the compactor and the power unit. First, the waste is collected in a container. Once filled, the waste is compacted by the compactor into bundles or bales.




Usually, this compaction is followed by a packaging process. Wrapping the waste bales helps to further protect them for future use. It reduces the possibility of problems such as windblown waste, odors, vermin or damage caused by dislodged waste by protecting the bundle from water damage and ensuring it is contained.




Solid Waste Balers can often collect the smallest pieces or debris for baling, such as unsalable textile fabric scraps or scrap metal fragments. In addition, they are an economical option for waste collection and transportation, whether for disposal, recycling or sale to another company for reuse.




An indirect benefit of waste balers is the revenue generated by this efficient collection and redistribution system. Depending on the size of your business and the extent of your compaction needs, you may consider purchasing a Waste Baler to economically dispose of and redistribute your surplus materials and waste.


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