Home > Automobiles & Motorcycles > Body Parts > Air Conditioning System > 12V 24V Outdoor Portable Diesel Stoves

12V 24V Outdoor Portable Diesel Stoves

Air and stove heater (hereinafter referred to as the fuel stove) is an integrated stove, heating air as one of the special RV fuel stove. The stoves can also be used for cooking in the wild, such as on ships. We have 12V, 24V and 220V for option.

Product Description

1. Basic introduction


For diesel stoves, we have diesel stove and air heater all in one, separate outdoor diesel stove and indoor diesel stove.

Air and stove heater (hereinafter referred to as the fuel stove) is an integrated stove, heating air as one of the special RV fuel stove. The stoves can also be used for cooking in the wild, such as on ships.


2. Specification for fuel stove



Double stoves

Single stove

Rated Voltage



Short-term Maximum Power Consumption



Average Power Consumption



Heat Power



Fuel type



Fuel Consumption



Quiescent current



Warm Air Delivery vvolumem3/H m³/H

148m³/H max

148m³/H max

Working Environment Temperature

-25℃ to 35℃

-25℃ to 35℃

Working Altitude



Heater Weight






Stove vent


≥40 c㎡


Guide for diesel stove and air heater all in one


3. Function


This fuel stove is a safe diesel stove with no open flame. The fuel stove is not allowed to be used during running.

--Cooking mode

Adjust the heating power by controlling the switch to cook and heat various kinds of food

-- Air conditioning mode

Close the upper cover and adjust the setting temperature by controlling the switch to heat the room temperature.


4. Safety instructions


Safe working environment

-- The danger of toxic fumes. If the vehicle is parked in a closed room, in an enclosed space (such as a garage, repair shop), the exhaust gas from the fuel stove can be toxic. Therefore, in the enclosed space to turn off the fuel supply of the fuel stove, through the control switch to turn off the fuel stove.

-- Thermosensitive objects (e.g., spray cans) or flammable materials/liquids should not be stored in the same compartment as the equipment because, in some cases, the area may be affected by high temperatures.

-- At all times, keep exhaust pipe and combustion air inlet free from contamination (slush, ice, leaves, etc.).


Obligations of the operator/owner

It is the owner's responsibility to operate the equipment correctly.

The fuel system must comply with the technical and administrative regulations of the state. Must abide by national legislation and regulations.


Safe operation

-- Make sure the interior is well ventilated. When the burner is turned on, there may be some smoke or odor due to dust or dirt. Especially if the equipment has not been used for a long time.

-- The integrity and tight fit of the intake and exhaust pipes must be checked periodically, especially at the end of a long journey.

Do not spray water directly into the exhaust hood while cleaning the vehicle.


5. Installation


Typical installation diagram of fuel stoves figure 1.

★ Must be authorized by the company's

professional installation, maintenance!

The Company shall not be liable for any of the following ACTS:

-- Refitting fuel stoves and accessories.

-- Modification of exhaust pipe path and accessories.

-- Do not follow the operation installation instructions.

-- Do not use our special accessories.

--Overheat damage caused by idle burning or dry boiler burning.


Diesel Stoves



1-Heater 2-Buffer 3-Fuel pump 4-Fuel pipe (blue: fuel tank to fuel pump) 5-Fuel filter 6-Fuel suction pipe 7-Fuel pipe (white: heater to fuel pump) 8-Check valve 9-Air inlet pipe 10-Air filter (optional) 11-Fuse holder 12-Exhaust pipe 13-Fireproof cap 14-Control switch

15-Fuel pump lead wire 16-Power cord17-Insulated sleeve


Schematic diagram of fuel stove installation. As shown in figure 2.


Fuel stoves should be installed horizontally, with an inclination Angle of no more than 5° at an upright level. If the fuel range is tilted too much during operation (up to several hours), the equipment may not be damaged, but will affect the combustion effect, the burner is not up to optimal performance.

Below the fuel stove should retain enough space for installation accessories, this space should maintain enough air circulation channel with the outside, need more than 100cm2 ventilation cross section, in order to achieve the equipment heat dissipation and

air-conditioning mode when the need for warm airs.



Diesel Stoves




Opening size of diesel cooking stove


Diesel Stoves



Between the fuel stove and the stove is fixed with glass glue. After fixing for one day, the fuel stove can be used. Open the doors and Windows after fixing the fuel stove to ventilate the smell.

Schematic diagram of fuel stove external connection line


Diesel Stoves



Installation of inlet and outlet pipes

The combustion air must be inhaled from the fresh air outside the vehicle; The exhaust gas from combustion must be discharged into the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe, and must not enter the car. Prevent the exhaust gas from burning to cause the danger of poisoning.

Pipe line through the vehicle's outer wall or bottom through hole, must be able to seal to prevent exhaust entry.

Inlet pipe and exhaust pipe must be equipped with accessories of this machine.

The connection between the intake pipe and exhaust pipe and the main engine shall be fastened on the combustion inlet and exhaust pipe with matching clips. The outlet of the exhaust pipe should be positioned so that the discharged gas is not taken in by the intake pipe or the car heating fan (i.e. away from the intake pipe and car heating fan).

Inlet pipe and exhaust pipe, from the fuel stove to the car, should use downward direction (Figure 5), otherwise, in the lowest point of the pipeline should open a 4mm condensation water discharge hole. If bending is required, the bending radius of the pipe shall not be less than 50mm.Moreover, the sum of all bending angles of each tube must not exceed 270°.


Diesel Stoves


When the fuel stove is working, the temperature of exhaust pipe is very high. When installing, it must be kept away from hot objects such as plastic parts of the car body and properly fixed.


Intake and exhaust pipes are easy to freeze in winter and should be checked frequently for patency.

Inlet pipe and exhaust pipe are stainless steel bellows. The connection between the engine and the combustion engine shall be fastened on the inlet and outlet of the exhaust pipe respectively with corresponding supporting clips.

No coating should be added to the surface of the fuel stove.

Warning: Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in fire.


Fuel system connection


The fuel is extracted from the vehicle fuel tank, and the fuel is transported and adjusted through a special fuel pump (provided by the manufacturer). Fuel is not allowed to be extracted from the vehicle engine's return system or downstream of the vehicle's internal delivery pump. Please install using fuel hoses and piping within the delivery range.

Fuel shall conform to national standards Gb19147-2013 for vehicle diesel standard.

In winter, the fuel should meet the requirements of low temperature, and no biofuel should be used.

Fuel line system


Diesel Stoves



Installation of fuel line

The pipeline must be supplied with this machine fitting, namely nylon fuel pipe with good light resistance and thermal stability. Permissible length of fuel line: the maximum length of fuel line on the inlet side is 2m, and the maximum length of the pressure side is 6m.As shown in figure 6.


Safety code for fuel lines

Be sure to use a hose cutter or a sharp tool to cut the fuel hose and piping to a certain length. The cut area cannot be compressed and must be free of burrs. Fuel lines must be firmly connected to prevent damage and/or noise due to vibration (approximately 50 cm is recommended between connection points). Fuel lines must be protected against mechanical damage. The laying of fuel pipeline will not adversely affect the stability of vehicle rotation and engine operation. Protect fuel carrying parts from high temperatures that may affect operation (use suitable fiberglass lined aluminum thermal protective hoses). Do not install or fix fuel line near heater or exhaust line of vehicle engine. If the lines are crossed, keep sufficient distance from the hot parts -- if necessary, provide a thermal radiation shield. The tubing should be installed in a way that prevents flying stones from hitting, away from hot parts of the vehicle, and protective devices should be installed if necessary.


Installation of fuel pump

The fuel pump shall be fixed with the fuel pump fixed jacket (rubber). The fuel outlet of the fuel pump should tilt upward, and its installation Angle should be selected within the range of 15° ~ 35° (As shown in Fig.7).When conditions permit, the tubing between the fuel pump and the heater should rise gradually. To prevent the fuel pump from heating (maximum operating temperature 40℃), do not install near the exhaust pipe.


Diesel Stoves


a≤3m b≤0.5m (Avoid of negative pressure may be produced in sealed fuel tank.

In such case, b≤0.15m) c≤2m.

1-Fuel pump 2-Max.fuel level 3-Min.fuel level 4-Fuel inlet level

①Allowable installation angle

②Optimum installation angle


The height difference between the fuel level and the pump, and the height difference between the pump and the main engine inlet, will generate pressure (or suction) in the fuel path, so these dimensions should be in accordance with the requirements in Figure 7 (in a closed tank, negative pressure will be generated, in which case, the minimum fluid level maximum diagram of the tank should not exceed 0.4m).


Connection between heater and fuel pump The tubing direction from the fuel pump to the main engine should be as upward as possible. Mark a suitable place on the floor of the vehicle for crossing

The hole where the fuel line and fuel pump are connected to the cable. Before drilling, be sure to check for hidden cables, fuel lines, frame sections, etc. Then seal with underbody protection

The edge of an opening in the floor of a vehicle. In order to prevent the cable between fuel pipe and fuel pump being cut, please add the inlet bushing or the section edge protection material.

Tubing should be tied in an appropriate place for fixation, and the binding spacing should not be greater than 50cm.

The connection between fuel pipe and fuel pump, main engine and fuel tank (fuel extractor) should use the fuel pipe joint provided by this machine and tighten with the fuel pipe clip. Prevent bubbles from forming at the junction (Figure 8).


Diesel Stoves




Installation of fuel suction pipe(Fig9)

Diesel Stoves



Used when drawing fuel from the vehicle's own tank. During installation, the 25±0.2 hole size of the installation hole on the fuel tank (or fuel tank cover) shall be noted, with neat edges and smooth surroundings to ensure a good seal between the fuel suction tubing seat. The distance between the lower mouth of the suction pipe and the bottom of the fuel tank should be 30-40mm, which can not only ensure the full absorption of fuel, but also prevent the impurities deposited at the bottom of the fuel tank from being inhaled.


Mounting control switch

The fuel stoves must be operated by special rotary switches. See related instructions for details.


Wiring diagram


Diesel Stoves




Insert the control switch cable plug into the corresponding position as shown in Figure 4. The red and green light at the same time on and off after power on.

If the red and green lights do not respond when power on, the knob switch may not be connected or the main power supply is not connected. The communication between the heater and the knob switch is defective if the red and green light flickers 10s when the power is on.

The cooking mode is adjusted by turning the control knob. The power range is between 900W and 2200W.

The air conditioning mode is controlled by a knob to set the temperature. The temperature setting range is 5℃ ~ 35℃.

Electrical connection

Lay electric wire to avoid chafing. If there are sharp edges, such as metal panels for threading, use lead bushing or edge protection.


Connector cables shall not attach to or touch metal surfaces, exhaust pipes or hot air pipes. DC12V power supply

The electrical wiring, switches and control equipment for the fuel stoves must be located in a location that will not adversely affect their operation under normal operating conditions. The fuel stove circuit has reverse polarity protection. If the controller is not connected with the correct polarity, the LED indicator will not work.

To ensure optimal power supply, the fuel stove must be connected to a fusible (20A)

-protected vehicle power supply (or battery) using a 2×4.0mm2 cable.

If necessary, the voltage drop of the supply line must be considered. Connect the negative wire to the main ground.


6. Operation instructions


Start fuel stove

Operate with a special knob switch.

If cooking function is needed, long press the function button over 2S and the cooking


function will start. The fuel stove began to work when cooking indicator light turns red after a few seconds, adjust the control knob after Igniting and burning steadily, power range between 900W ~ (1600W) 2200W.Set the power scale from 1 to 7 In cooking mode and increase the knob scale from left to right. The fuel stove needs more than 5 minutes from startup to stable combustion.

If you need air conditioning function, press the function button and the red light goes out. Switch to air conditioning mode when the green light turns on.

Adjust the knob switch to set the required room temperature after stable combustion, and the fuel stove automatically adjusts the combustion power according to the ratio of the actual room temperature and the set temperature.

If you need to change to air conditioning mode during cooking mode, you must press the function button and close the top cover for conversion. You can't just button the top cover without switching to air conditioning mode.

If you press the function button again, switch back to cooking function.

Turn off fuel stoves

The fuel stove can be turned off through long press the function button for more than 2S when the fuel stove is in normal operation. Fuel stove stops supplying fuel for heating after the corresponding indicator light goes off. After the burner is turned off, the combustion fan and heating fan will continue to operate for several minutes to reduce the temperature of the furnace and body.


7. Fault


General fault handling

During the use of the fuel stove, it may not start normally or shut off by itself after starting and be in the state of failure lock. At this point, you can turn off the fuel stove more than 5S to restart by pressing function button.

Fuel stoves may cause circuit faults due to the following reasons: joint corrosion, poor contact,


wrong insertion, wire or fuse corrosion, battery pile corrosion, etc., pay attention to the use of inspection, maintenance, prevent these phenomena occur.

When the following situations occur, they can be handled and eliminated by the user:

The fuel stove does not start and the control switch indicator light does not light after starting up, the reason is open fuse or wiring error; In addition, check whether the plug on the control switch lead is properly connected to the host.

Fail-lock status

The fault of the fuel stove is shown by the corresponding cycle flicker on the control switch. Each cycle includes a 3s long snuff and several flashes at intervals of 0.5s.The number of flickers that occur between two long extinguishment intervals indicates the type of fault.

Press the function button to exit the fault locking state.

The troubleshooting methods can be listed in Table 2.


Troubleshooting methods of fault lock

Flash frequency

Fault code

fault handling

Method of troubleshooting



Start failure

A Check the fuel supply system

B. Check whether the combustibles inlet and outlet are blocked

C Check the electric plug and flame sensor



Burner failure

A Check the fuel supply system

B. Check whether the combustibles inlet and outlet are blocked

C Check the flame sensor



Overvoltage fault

A Check the vehicle power supply system


Low voltage fault

A Check the vehicle power supply system



Flame sensor failure

A Check the flame sensor lead

B Check the flame sensor



Communication failure

A Check the connection cable



Outside temperature sensor broken circuit

A Check whether the sensor is in good condition


Outside temperature sensor short circuit

A Check whether the sensor is in good condition



Fuel pump broken circuit

A Check whether the fuel pump lead is damaged

B Check whether the fuel pump lead connection is reliable

C repair fuel pump

D Replace the main board


Fuel pump short circuit

A Check whether the fuel pump lead is damaged

B Check whether the fuel pump lead connection is reliable

C repair fuel pump

D Replace the main board

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Email: albert@truckaircondition.com

Mob.: +86 138 5348 6733

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Add.: Kangning Road 588#, Tianqu Industry Park, Decheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China

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