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ozone generator

ozone generator

Product Description

Ozone generators release some pretty potent chemicals into the air. Although there isn’t much research available about the side effects of this method, it’s a good idea to know how long you should wait before re-entering the room or area where you’ve just treated. There’s a two hour waiting time required before re-entering the treated space, to allow the ozone to dissipate. Not only do you want to wait that time, but it’s also a good idea, especially if there are any pets or small children in the home, to keep everyone at a distance by at least 30 feet for another hour.

For further treatment of an area, expect another 30 minutes of waiting time, again up to 90 feet from the device. These waiting times are suggested by the EPA and are not mandatory. You might want to stay away from the ozone generator amchine for several days before re-entering a close space which has been treated.

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