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coated titanium anodes

Product Description




MMO Coated Titanium Anodes

Mixed metal oxide coatings on titanium substrates are widely used as anodes in various electrochemical processes, such as chlorination, oxygen production, electrolytic deposition of metals and cathodic protection in the chlor-alkali industry.


The application of materials with high conductivity and long-term stability in electrochemical environments is considered to be one of the main goals of electrochemical cell engineering. Metal oxides such as RuO2 and IrO2, which have high electrical conductivity and electrochemical activity, have received much attention as electrocatalysts in the electrochemical industry. In order to further improve the stability of these oxides, other oxides such as TiO2, Ta2O5 and ZrO2 have been added to these active oxides.


Anodic chloride and oxygen precipitation are the most important reactions in the application of these materials. Oxygen precipitation is the most important reaction in electrochemical processes such as water electrolysis, electrolytic deposition of metals and cathodic protection.



In addition, this reaction is unavoidable in many anodic processes. RuO2-based coatings (e.g. pure RuO2 and RuO2-TiO2) are very stable to the chloride precipitation reaction. However, they are unstable to anodic oxygen precipitation and are subject to severe corrosion in acidic media. IrO2 is more stable for the oxygen precipitation reaction, but its oxygen precipitation electrocatalytic activity is lower. Therefore, due to the favourable properties of the two oxides, a mixture of IrO2 and RuO2 could be a suitable electrocatalyst for the oxygen revolution.


Mixing two or more different oxides can affect the electrocatalytic performance of the oxides by changing the microstructure, surface composition and morphology of the electrocatalyst components. In addition, the surface composition, morphology and microstructure of mixed oxide coatings are not homogeneous and may be affected by preparation factors and active oxide content.


Ruthenium mixed oxide coated titanium anodes are generally used in environments such as hydrochloric acid, electrolytic seawater and electrolytic brine environments.


Fields of application

Electrolytic production of non-ferrous metals, electrolysis of chlorinated salts, electrolysis of salt/seawater, metal foil manufacturing, electrochemical treatment of metal foil surfaces, disinfection, electrolytic extraction and recovery of non-ferrous metals, organic electrolysis, cathodic protection, electrodialysis, production of acidic and alkaline ionised water, treatment of industrial wastewater.

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