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Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose powder

Product Description






Methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose is agelling and thickening agent derivedfrom cellulose. The solution presentsstrong pseudoplasticity and provides high shear viscosity. lt is mainly used as dispersant, ad- hesive protective colloid, thickenerand stabilizer for coatings, building materials and daily cosmetics, Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose HEMC is mainly used in tile adhesives, roll-on/ wallputty, cement coatings, gypsum-based products, cement-based mortars, wa-ter-based emulsion coatings and drilling oils.


Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose Powder

Hydroxyethyl methylcellulose offers many of the same benefits as other methylcellulose derivatives, such as the ability to thicken effectively and provide water retention. Hydroxyethyl methylcellulose is used to improve the quality and processing properties of highly effective additives for building materials such as mortars and plasters, mortars, tile adhesives, putties, putties, joints and even latex paints.


Main applications

HEMC is widely used in water-based emulsion coatings, construction building materials, printing ink, oil drilling and other fields, playing the role of thickening, water retention, improve the ease of use. It is used as gelling agent and water-retaining agent for cement, gypsum and lime, and is an excellent additive for powder construction materials. Used as an additive for toothpaste, cosmetics, detergent, etc.


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